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Importance of Website Testing

19 March, 2014 | Post by

The SQA2 Blog: Advice Center

Gone are the days of people thinking a website is just for an online identity, and ignoring website testing. Now, it is so much more than that. A website is gathering new customers. Its a support platform for existing customers. An online selling platform and something more…the official website is the first impression. The place where the users find the first hand information about a product or service. So, if the business’ website is not credible before doing it live, it not only makes a bad impression to your customers (and of course your potential customer’s mind), it simply demolishes your reputation!

Why You Need Website Testing?

Well, the answer is short and simple – to make your website pixel perfect is all aspects – design, functionality, user experience and security perspective. Usually, web developers not well versed with user experiences. Additionally, when they work on the same project month after month – there are numerous issues simply overlooked during that period. Web testers are rich with user experience. They regularly gather user experience from the real users using several methods. Testers cross check the functionalities, security and user experience from an end user perspective.

How a Tester Can Improve Your Website?

Good question. Website testes perform a series of tests against your website to make sure that the website/web application works perfectly in different operating systems and browsers. Additionally, perform security testing to find out the potential threats and existing vulnerabilities of the application. However, if we take a closer look on the test series, we’ll find the following testing activities –

End user Accessibility Issues/ Cross Browser Testing

As mentioned earlier, different users uses different web browsers like – Internet explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari and many others…the tester(s) test the website, and make sure the website looks identical in all major web browsers. On the other hand, navigation menus, accessibility of different functional modules are also checked during this test.

Functional Issues

Sign in, sign up, logout, user registration, payment processing, shipping, discount calculation, site administration and hundreds of functionalities associated with a business website. In functionality testing, the tester(s) confirm the accuracy of the process.

Design Issues

Broken page layout, missing image, missing/broken links, video, audio or any other multimedia contents, text and their placement, spacing between text and images, image alternative texts, footer navigation, image optimization and load time also checked during this session. Not only that, a good tester (s) /testing company must suggest you the design improvement suggestion, so that the end user can navigate the site without any problems.

How Website Testing Beneficial for Your Business?

Website testing increases the visitor retention rate by reducing the website errors. Errors such as: page load time, download and upload time, functionalities of installed plug-ins (social media, Flash and other multimedia plug-in), popup and other forms of advertisements and ensures a perfect user experience that provokes the users to browse the entire site.

Finally, website testers are the key person, who can emulate the real user and find the failing part of the website and help the business owner to fix them and generate more revenue and establish the brand.

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