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The Benefits of Regression Testing

27 September, 2024 | Post by

The SQA2 Blog: Software Quality

Ensuring the stability and reliability of your software is vital for meeting customer expectations and driving business success. Regression testing is a cornerstone of software quality assurance (SQA), playing a crucial role in the early detection of defects and ultimately saving both time and money. Whether deploying updates or addressing bugs, this essential step should never be overlooked. Henry Ochoa, VP & Software Quality Architect at SQA2, offers valuable insights into the importance and significant benefits of regular regression testing, highlighting its fundamental role in maintaining software excellence.

What is Regression Testing?

Regression testing can seem like a complex concept for those new to the field of software quality assurance. Ochoa simplifies it: “To me, regression testing is a subset of all the functional tests created, categorized as critical, and at a medium/high level. It verifies that recent changes to a program or code have not negatively impacted existing or new features.” In essence, regression testing ensures that updates or modifications to the software do not inadvertently introduce new bugs or issues into previously functioning areas.

Key Advantages of Regular Regression Testing

Regular regression testing offers numerous benefits throughout the software development lifecycle. “Some significant advantages of conducting regular regression testing cycles are early defect detection, improved software quality, scalability, reduced cost to the project, and reassurance of product quality for the team,” says Ochoa.

Early Defect Detection

One of the most significant advantages of regular regression testing is the early detection of defects. By running these tests frequently, teams can identify issues before they escalate into more severe problems.

Improved Software Quality

Continuous regression testing contributes to overall software quality. By catching defects early, teams can ensure that the software remains robust and reliable.


Regular testing supports scalability by confirming that new features or changes integrate smoothly with existing functionalities.

Cost Efficiency

Identifying defects before they reach production can save considerable costs. Ochoa points out, “Finding a defect in production that affects sales or revenue can be costly.” By addressing issues during the development phase, teams can avoid these expensive problems.

Reassurance of Product Quality

Regular regression testing provides confidence to the team and stakeholders about the software’s quality. It ensures that the software continues to meet the required standards.

Enhanced Automation

When combined with automation, regression testing can lead to faster turnaround times for feature testing and deployments to higher environments.

Real-World Impact of Regression Testing

“One example that comes to mind involves data quality and how the system consumes data for a machine learning algorithm. We needed precise data consumption and accurate calculations displayed on the dashboard. Our automation caught that the system was consuming data with a minor discrepancy and that some calculations were off. Since this algorithm was crucial for doctors and nurses, we detected the issue before it reached production. Additionally, we discovered a performance bug with the automation scripts,” said Ochoa. This instance underscores how regression testing can prevent major issues from reaching production and affecting end-users.

Contribution to Software Quality and Customer Satisfaction

Regression testing plays a vital role in maintaining overall software quality and enhancing customer satisfaction. Ochoa explains, “It allows us to be consistent in our testing deliverables and helps us prevent defects instead of just catching them. This, in turn, ensures that end users have a positive experience and prevents issues that could discourage them from using the application or impact the client’s revenue.”

Challenges and Solutions in Regression Testing

While regression testing is crucial, it does come with its own set of challenges. These include:

  • Time and Cost: As applications evolve, the number of regression test cases can grow significantly. This growth can lead to increased time and cost. Ochoa advises, “A good way to mitigate this is to invest in automation early on. If not, critical items will prevent the QA team from dedicating time to automation.”
  • Test Growth Maintenance: Managing the growth of test cases can be daunting. To overcome this, Ochoa suggests organizing test cases from the start using an Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tool. This includes proper labeling, folder structures, and regular updates to ensure test cases remain relevant.

Proactively Detect & Prevent Bugs with SQA2

Regression testing is an essential practice for maintaining software quality. By detecting defects early, improving software reliability, and supporting scalability, regression testing helps ensure a positive user experience and safeguards against costly issues. Embracing automation and strategic organization can further enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of regression testing efforts. As Ochoa aptly puts it, “Regression testing is not just a process; it’s a fundamental practice that supports the overall health and success of your software.”

At SQA2, our team of software quality engineers and architects possesses the expertise to identify and address any bugs or defects that could impact your existing software. Involving QA early in the development process can save your business time and money. Contact SQA2 to ensure your software remains robust and reliable.

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